Pronouncing Bisaya words would be uncomplicated if you are familiar with other Asian language pronunciations. One good example is the letter “i”. It’s usually pronounced as long “ee”. The Japanese camera brand Nikon is pronounced as “neekon”. Most English speakers erroneously speak it as “ny-kon”.
a – ah, short a, ex: ambot, wala e – e, short e, ex: poder, pader i – ee, long e, ex: dili, kabit o – o, short o, ex: didto, adto u – oo, long o, ex: hugot, dulot
nga – sounds like the reverse of “ang” nge – sounds like the reverse of “eng” ngi – sounds like the reverse of “ing”
tsa – sounds like “cha” but emphasize t and s. tse – sounds like “che” but emphasize t and s. tsi – sounds like “chi” but emphasize t and s.